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Luvs vs Parents Choice diapers {review}

Being a second time mom, I learned that a diaper is definitely important, but spending a lot on a diaper isn’t. I don’t know about you but, I love to watch the luvs commercials. I love the whole aspect of the point they are making, and they make me laugh. having a second child, obviously money is a little tighter than it was. So this past week to save a few bucks I decided to get parents choice diapers instead of Luvs. We have used the PC pull ups in the past and I am NOT a fan at all! They leak like crazy. So I don’t recommend them for pull ups. I’ll write another review on the different pull ups we have tried and which ones we like best.

I read reviews and parents seem to like their diapers. With Wyatt, we started off with Huggies and we soon learned that those are probably the worst diapers for a boy (sorry Huggies)! Every time he would pee it would just shoot out the sides or up the front of him. SUCH A MESS! So we switched to pampers, and those are just hella expensive when you’re buying them like crazy in the first 2 years. So we went with Luvs and have been using them for a long time. One thing I noticed significantly different on PC vs L is the strap. The velcro straps are very sticky, if you will, on the PC. Lilly sleeps through the night and doesn’t get up at all; She hasn’t since she was 1 month old. So of course in the morning her diaper is quite full. On the Luvs, the top of her diaper would bunch and fold over, causing it to leak all up the front of her. With the Parents Choice diapers they are so tight that they don’t bunch so they don’t leak at the top. When I say they are tight I don’t mean uncomfortably tight. I just mean they don’t allow the pee to leak. They really keep all the pee where  it belongs, in the diaper. Another good thing about having a stronger band is they can’t pull them off and un-do the strap while they’re busy crawling and playing. My kids love robe naked, and will do anything to be naked LOL!
What else is nice are the PC ones have a blue strip when she has gone pee. Usually thats something you have to pay extra for. Of course being a second time mom, we just feel the diaper and we know. But some first time parents, and second time parents can really benefit from that blue indicator.

Over all I would say they are both really good brands of diapers! Especially for the price! But if your store is out of your normal brand and all they have is Luvs or Parent Choice, I would say go for PC if they are good crawlers. Cause that strong strap is wonderful!! Both are really good brands!

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